WhatsApp, the meta-owned messaging platform used by billions of people worldwide, updated their terms and conditions last year. It was also announced that chat backups will start counting towards a user's Google Drive storage space sometime in the first half of 2024.
Android users on WhatsApp's beta version are already feeling the pinch as chat backups have started taking up storage space, regardless of whether you're on the free or paid tier of Google's cloud storage service.
If you're on WhatsApp beta and don't want your chat backups to take up all of your Google Drive storage space, you can stop backing up chats to the cloud service. Instead you can use the built-in WhatsApp chat transfer tool on a new phone while on the move. Keep in mind that this requires both the new and old phone to be connected to the same Wi-Fi network or an active internet connection.
Alternatively, you can buy more storage space on Google Drive by subscribing to a Google One plan. Or avoid including images and videos while backing up WhatsApp chat history, as they will greatly increase your backup size.
WhatsApp says the changes will apply to those on the stable version of the app in the first half of 2024, and they will receive an in-app notification 30 days before as a banner in the 'Chat backup' that appears in the app's settings.
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