How can Avoid Keyloggers with Encrypt Keyboard

Keyloggers are dangerous as they can record your keystrokes,tracks your activity and can record the open sites. By this, your several account’s can be easily hacked by the hackers. These keyloggers can detect your bank accounts passwords too. So better it to avoid them as much you can. So for this we are here with a cool security tip that will help you in this work. Mainly the working of keyloggers are recording keystrokes so i will encrypt the keystrokes to avoid our keystrokes spoofing by these keyloggers. So have a look at this method below.

So for this i am here with a cool security tip that will help you in this work. Mainly the working of keyloggers are recording keystrokes so we will encrypt the keystrokes to avoid our keystrokes spoofing by these keyloggers. So have a look at this method below.

Steps To Encrypt Keystrokes To Avoid Keylogger Attacks :-

1. First of all download and install the tool KeyScrambler.

2. Now after downloading install it and after complete install you have to reboot your system do it.

3. Now when your computer boots up right click on the icon of KeyScrambler in the system tray at the bottom of a screen.

4. Now choose options from there and Keyscrambler will open and you will see the screen like below.

5. Now you can alter settings in this according to your wish and after that simply click on ok. Now your key scrambler app is ready, open up your browser and type anything you can see that your keystrokes are being encrypted.

6. That’s it! you are done, now you can see this tool every time you open your browser.

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All about Encrypt Keyboard To Avoid Keyloggers. With this, you can easily protect yourself from keylogger attacks and disallow attackers to steal your Personal Identification from your computer. Hope you like this cool security tips. Do share with others too!
How can Avoid Keyloggers with Encrypt Keyboard How can Avoid Keyloggers with Encrypt Keyboard Reviewed by Tech Ugly on Thursday, April 21, 2016 Rating: 5

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