Samsung Shift all of its Devices from Android to its own Tizen OS

One of the biggest smartphone manufacturers in the world, best known for its Android devices, could be still considering to reduce its reliance on Google's open platform and to bet more on its proprietary OS. Nothing is set in stone yet, but earlier today The Korea Times (KT) reported that Samsung might be going the Apple way with its Tizen platform.

The anonymous inside source from Samsung quoted by Korea Times  claims that, “if you don't have your own ecosystem, then you will have no future.”

Up until now Samsung has stuck to Android for pretty much everything but its Z-branded phones in India, its smartwatches and some of its household appliances which run on Tizen. Considering how much of a presence the manufacturer has on the global smartphone market, it might be feeling ready for a risky move that will either pay off handsomely or cause a lot of trouble.

The executive said “Samsung’s Z-branded Tizen-powered phones are popular with Indian consumers. During the first quarter of this year, Samsung sold about 64 million phones there. This means that Tizen is proving its competitiveness,”. The executive also said “Samsung Tizen allows developers to make corrections, if necessary, and to redistribute updates to others”

As per the reports, Samsung electronics is looking to expand the Tizen support on its Smart watches, Smart Tv’s and smart refrigerators etc. We also have seen the development of Samsung’s wearable devices which operates on Tizen.

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Of course, Samsung’s plans look great, but it still sounds over stimulated for some reasons. We previously saw due to lack of app and support of developers failure of Windows 10 mobile. So the question arises here is whether Tizen OS be worth the risk of losing customers who are unwilling to switch from Android.

Samsung Shift all of its Devices from Android to its own Tizen OS Samsung Shift all of its Devices from Android to its own Tizen OS Reviewed by Tech Ugly on Thursday, June 16, 2016 Rating: 5

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