WhatsApp’s end to end encryption to its mobile messaging platform could violate the security norms in India. The company’s end to end encryption could create trouble for the company. The new security measure took by WhatsApp is not permitted by Indian Telecom and there is possibility of blockage of WhatsApp in India, however currently WhatsApp seems to be working fine.
The tech companies are seen taking the security of their products to the next level after FBI successfully unlocked the iPhone of the San Bernardino shooter without seeking help from Apple. Apple was supported by the major tech giants like Google, Facebook for its decision of not providing any help to FBI regarding iPhone unlocking. Apple has been seen taking privacy extremely seriously as said by the late Steve Jobs.
Hence, indirectly, all those who are currently using the updated WhatsApp app in India are actually using it illegally, says the report.
The Independent further reported that countries like India are currently looking to pass new policies on the new encryption standards. But it is presently unclear whether these new policies will bring new requirements on WhatsApp.
As far as Indian rules are concerned, online services are only allowed to use up to 40 bit encryption. So, if they need to use higher encryption level, they are supposed to request permission from the government. WhatsApp could get permission from the Indian Government when it submits the keys, however the company doesn’t possess that.
The tech companies are seen taking the security of their products to the next level after FBI successfully unlocked the iPhone of the San Bernardino shooter without seeking help from Apple. Apple was supported by the major tech giants like Google, Facebook for its decision of not providing any help to FBI regarding iPhone unlocking. Apple has been seen taking privacy extremely seriously as said by the late Steve Jobs.
Hence, indirectly, all those who are currently using the updated WhatsApp app in India are actually using it illegally, says the report.
The Independent further reported that countries like India are currently looking to pass new policies on the new encryption standards. But it is presently unclear whether these new policies will bring new requirements on WhatsApp.
As far as Indian rules are concerned, online services are only allowed to use up to 40 bit encryption. So, if they need to use higher encryption level, they are supposed to request permission from the government. WhatsApp could get permission from the Indian Government when it submits the keys, however the company doesn’t possess that.
WhatsApp Ban ! WhatsApp could soon get banned in India
Reviewed by Tech Ugly
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
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